毕业于英国兰卡斯特大学,主修金融财务和人力资源,八年的英国留学生活, 极大地丰富了她的人生阅历及社会经验,出于对人际关系及沟通技巧的热衷,毕业后从事了人力资源,猎头招聘的工作。将理论知识应用到工作实践当中。通过自身的留学经历和对工作的认知,她对求职者和求人企业的需求有着很好的分析能力和理解能力,能利用自己的专业知识及对工作的热情,从客户的角度出发,设身处地的以客户的需求为工作目标。曾为多家500强企业成功的做过人才招聘!工作观:您的满意与肯定,是我动力的源泉!
Cindy Zhou has graduated from Lancaster University in UK; majoring in Finance and Human Resources. Eight years abroad study life has greatly enriched her life experience and social experience. Out of the great enthusiasm for interpersonal relationship and communication skills, after graduation, she has engaged in human resources and executive recruitment, also the theoretical knowledge is applied to her practice. Through her study abroad experience and perception of the work, she has very good analytical skills and understanding abilities about the demand of the job seeks as well as the enterprises. She can use her expertise and enthusiasm for work, from a client perspective, put herself in client demand as her work objective. She has successfully recruited talent for several Fortune 500 companies
“Your satisfaction and recognition, is the source of my power!”——Cindy Zhou